Setting a Password

Updated Monday, January 06, 2025

Most websites require that your password have an uppercase, lowercase, a symbol, and a digit. While this may be a good practice, we find these rules annoying. We believe this pattern allows for leaked and weak passwords while failing to support strong passwords.

Forbidden password

When registering for an account, Dealers Yard will not allow you to create an account when the password meets any of the following criteria:

  • A password has previously been exposed in data breaches. We will automatically check the password you provide and prevent you from re-using such a password. To learn more, check out Pwned Passwords website.
  • Commonly used weak passwords, e.g., 12345678, qwerty, Pa$$w0rd, password, Iloveyou, etc.
  • Password with less than eight characters
  • A password that contains your name. E.g., if your name is Otieno Ouko, we don't allow your password to have either Otieno or Ouko.
  • A password that contains your email. E.g., if our email is, we don't allow your password to have Mwangi.
  • Pattern password, e.g., ha ha ha, yes yes yes, jack jack jack, etc.
  • A password that you have used before in your account.
  • A password containing standard automotive injury terms, e.g., car, vehicle, auto, dealer, e.t.c

Tips for a strong password

Though our passwords policy does not guarantee that your account is 100% secure, we ensure that the password you provide is secure, flexible, and usable.

  • Use a different password that you don't use on any other site.
  • Don't share your password with family, friends, or even Dealers Yard.
  • Use a password manager to manage and remember all your passwords. At Dealers Yard, we use 1Password to manage complex passwords from 100s of websites. Other notable managers include LastPass, Apple Key Chain, and DashLane.
  • Use a longer password that is at least 15 characters.
  • Combine unrelated words.
  • Don't use personal info in your password, e.g., nickname, birthdate, address, child name, birthplace, hobby, anniversary, e.t.c.
  • Regularly update your password‚Äîupdate your password when you note suspicious activities in your account.

In addition, we use a secure and encrypted connection that makes sure that the password and other information you submit remains secure.